Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Frustration is...

...aiming with one analog stick and moving with four tiny, yellow buttons.

My friend Brad and I were playing some Turok 2 and Quake multi on the N64 the other day. He got pretty frustrated with the controls (that, and I was whooping his ass), so we gave it up.

It does take some getting used to, I'll admit. Thank Train God for autoaim. But I'm challenging myself to master Nintendo's thumb-punisher.

Think of it as an exercise in tolerance. If I can adapt to an N64 controller, I might be able to hate J-RPGs, racing games, sports games, the Wii, and the PlayStation 3 a little less.

Oh, who am I kidding? I'll always hate J-RPGs. They're just so... Japanesy.

See, I told ya I'd include more pictures from here on out!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Colors, man. The Colors!

Lookee here! We got us a fancy new look for this here blog. I spent some time on new graphics for the background and header, while Wrecklaimer installed a Twitter app and menu bar. Pretty spiffy, eh? Wreck' is the brains behind all the complicated coding 'n such; I have the more artistic approach. God, that background is just so cool... I could stare at it for hours...

Narcissum aside, things are all set up for summer postings. I promise more pics/videos and fewer ramblings.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Under Reconstruction

As you are probably aware, things have been a little slow on this here blog lately. I'm not expecting a prolific amount of blogging over the summer, what with my internship and lack of modern gaming system.

Maybe this will give me a chance to do some online investigating and dig a little deeper into new trends and technologies. If anyone cares, I could post reviews of the "classic" N64 titles I'll be playing on weekends down in South Carolina. Who am I kidding? I've already started...

Before I leave in a few weeks, I hope to a) get my car fixed, b) get my affairs in order, c) get some more updates on the blog. I'm looking into a redesign to make the pages more eye catching (but not distracting). There may be a way for me to integrate my Twitter account with the blog, too.

Any suggestions or contributions from the peanut gallery are appreciated and encouraged. Heck, I just got a comment on about my Valentine's Day article.

Stay tuned, but don't hold your breath too much.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

All Good Things...

Here you go, the last official Game Brain column of the year, only available at the Western Herald's Web site.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some final exams and a move to prepare for.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

And the award goes to...

This past Friday was the end-of-the-year banquet for the Western Herald. Yours truly swept the awards ceremony with two awards: Best Page Design and Best Weekend Scene columnist.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for an award, but imagine my delight at scooping up two! Of course, none of my success (or anyone else's) at the Herald would have been possible with the support of such a great staff. And, of course, extra special thanks to my award givers: Managing Editor Zach Reichard and Arts Editor Chris Kato. Oh yeah, Mom and Train God and all the rest, too.

Next week will be my final Game Brain column of the year. But chin up, my friends! Game Brain has been renewed for another year, and I hope to be covering bigger and better things. Who knows what the next school year will bring?

Oh yeah, I also boogied my ass off in true white boy fashion:

Friday, April 3, 2009

There is a Train God!

I had all but given up hope. But Valve, those slow-but-magnificent bastards, have confirmed that the Team Fortress 2 update for the Xbox 360 is in the pipe, 5 by 5.

I doubt that I'll be able to play it if/when it comes out in May through August. I'm really bummed that I can't use my summer free time to catch up with my TF2 buddies, but my internship is a higher priority.

Just in case you think this is a delayed April Fools, check out the TF2 blog update here.

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