Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is it

This week's column is up at

Oh, did I mention that it's the last one?

Yep, my two-year stint as a writer is over. Now I can focus more on bite-size content for the blog. The Herald is going to need a new columnist now; it's my hope that someone takes over the video game column.

With a Western Michigan University student representing in the Herald, and me keeping the blog running, I think a lot of cool things will happen. It's a long shot, but I can dream, can't I?

I know it's been a while since I announced those mystery action figures. They're about 90% finished. I just need to add a few touches and get a decent photography setup. Look for that to be my next major post. But it might be a while; final exams are next week, and I'll be in Las Vegas for a printing convention shortly after.

In the meantime, see you in "Bad Company 2!"

Thursday, April 15, 2010


This week's column is up at It's the second-to-last column of the semester and my run at the Herald. Sadly, no one has stepped up to fill the void in columns next year. I would prefer video game-related writing, but I'm biased.

So, I have one last column to write, and one last plea to have someone pickup the torch. To be honest, it'll be a relief to take a break from writing and school in general. There's so much left to do this semester, and classes to take in the summer. I'd better graduate soon, because I'm outta money and patience.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

News Review for You

It's a grab bag of random news commentary in this week's column over at

Friday, April 2, 2010

Some like it 'Dark'

I know it's a little late, but my review/commentary of "Perfect Dark" for Xbox Live Arcade is in print and online at I daresay that "Dark" has dethroned "Shadow Complex" as the king (or queen?) or XBLA titles. I recommend both games, but Joanna... it's been too long. And you've aged beautifully. In fact, it looks like you've had a little work done...

The only time in "Perfect Dark" you'll be on your ass like Agent Dark here is if you take me on in the Combat Simulator. Bring it, you "Halo" generation punks!

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